We parked our car at the roadside and get ready for the hike! Remember the torch light if you are going in the morning cause the track was completely dark. So we managed to get to the first check point ( i think it was) while the sky still dark which you can see at the first picture on the right.
After few pictures taken, we continued to the peak where you can see sunrise but we're the unlucky one, the sun was hidden by the clouds on that day, only after a while then only we can see it.
The sun was actually rising but hidden by the clouds

Panorama view from the peak
Posing in front of the sunrise
Day was so bright after the sunrise, blue skies, greenish landscape and the breeze was so refreshing. Here are some sharing of the Broga Hill landscape.

Panorama view of the hill & the blue skies
View from the peak to the first check point
View from the peak to the first check point angle (different angle)

Another hill top but i didn't make it
A grass that widely seen around the hills, yet i have no idea what this grass call, but do a little search on web and found it call "lalang" grass.
Here are some portrait shots,

We stayed at the hilltop for almost 2 hours then we started our journey back.

Pictures above was taken while we're on our way back. The second picture was taken at the first check point.
Hiking at Broga Hill was indeed a very good exercise and for those who want to get away from the hustle bustle city to gain a little fresh air and i truly recommend this place to everyone and i'll definitely visit this place again in the near future.
Yea... Kinda like it! Thanks for the comments!